Tuesday, November 14, 2006

405 - Base Color

Today has been very eventful in terms of projects. First off, below is an image of Riley with her base color texture just to see how everything is working out. I have also started the rigging process. Currently there is debate over if all the joints are aligned correctly, so tomorrow I am grabbing a friend to help with that.

Due Dates Update: Originally this project was due this coming Wednesday and I have been working like mad to make this deadline. In class today it was announced that the due date has been moved to this coming Monday, which gives me a whole other weekend to work with. This makes me estatic to say the least.

In other news, due to the extended deadline and the fact that I am taking Zbrush, Riley is now going to have more attention paid to her detailing and texturing. I have talked to my 333 professor about using this model as my base model and adding a more detailed texture and normal maps, since the bases of the class is texturing and normal mapping. He agreed. Originally, I said this model was going to be using a toon shader, but during testing it just appeared like a bleeding marker and a lot of the detail from modeling was lost.

I much rather have one amazing model than two mediocre ones. ITGM 405 will be the basic texture and model rigged. ITGM 333 will be model with detailed textures and normal maps. It is the same amount of work as before but with the same model rather than two.

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